Out of Early Access!

This game is officially out of Early Access, though it might have some bugs and there are like one or two features that have not been fully implemented yet.  There are still some minor cosmetic things I would like to fix, for instance the corner tiles in the spider caves.

If you find a bug and are interested in helping, just copy the console output and tell me what happened and I should easily be able to fix it.  Email to rescuethecat@outlook.com!

The one or two features that are already in the code but not in the game yet are:

 - Food bonuses are not added into the game yet and the World Map buttons (mainly just craft alchemy and hunt) may not 100% work correctly.  Food is supposed to be a requirement for traveling over the World Map as well as a way to boost stats before battle, but this is not implemented.  Hunting should work, but you don't actually need food so it's really just a way to get some items to sell.

 - In general, I will probably continue making small cosmetic changes and I might try making the code more optimized.

I suggest looking at the "how to play.txt" file before playing the game. There is also "hints and strategies.txt" file and you can press 'Q' while playing to bring up a "How to Play" menu. 


Rescue the Cat is fully playable even though it is still being tested for bugs.

You just need Java 20 to play it (64 bit version): Java Archive Downloads - Java SE 20 (oracle.com)

"Windows x64 msi Installer" is the download link you probably want if you're on Windows.  You also need 7zip if you don't already have it: 7-Zip

To run my game then you just extract the "Rescue the Cat" folder to the desktop and click "play Rescue the Cat.bat".  If you installed Java 20 properly, it should work.  (It may or may not work with other versions of Java for now.)  There is also a "how to play" and some other readme files you may want to look at.


Rescue the Cat.7z 951 MB
Nov 02, 2024

Get Rescue the Cat

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